Bu sahifada Telba shoirning bir she'ri ko'rsatilgan. She'rda Telba shoirning sevgisi va uning sevgisiga javob bermayotgan kishi haqida aytib o'tilgan.
Qilmangiz zarda Men o'laman siz qutilasiz Baxt may oqib anhoringizga Yetib bormay bahoringizerizga Siz deb g'urur bo'yin ekkan men.
Siz o'ylamang tor Qadamimga ko'zlari ham intiq,zor Dunyoda sizdan ham boshqa qizlar bor!
A poem about unrequited love and the pain it brings. The speaker pleads with their beloved not to speak harshly to them and to remember them in their dreams. They express their longing to be close to the person they love and their fear of being forgotten. The poem is filled with vivid imagery and raw emotion.